Inga namn nämnda, ingen klass nämnd
men jag är besviken...........
I wonder if Michael will sing at the "idal" again as he did last year. I think he and some guy called Peter sang "Let's go ner pa stan" with Magnus Owl. I like how you swedes tend to use english in the swedish language like Magnus does in his lyrics.
I want to hear Michael sing "The times they are a changing" with Bob Dylan. I know he likes "progg" as you say in Sweden, and it would really mean a lot to me if Mike (can I call you Mike?) sang a song about war because I think the young people today need to hear something else than just Kate Perry and shit.
Besides, I know he can play guitar, so let's rock Mike!
Yours Truly
Elton John
Förlåt, jag ska bättra mig
vilken ågren, helt klart en bättring framöver